

Q.1 What is the SUGAI WORLD ?
We are tokyo based happy design gift maker.
We plan and design all of our products, and ask japanese factories to make them.
We are committed to creating unique and playful products, mainly stationery. And we are trying to make them from eco-friendly material as much as possible.

Q.1 スガイワールドとは
SUGAI WORLD(スガイワールド)は、2011年に東京でスタートした、遊び心溢れるデザインギフトを企画、製造するメーカーです。ひげのカタチをした愉快な付箋「ひげ付箋」ひとつから事業がスタートしました。私たちの夢はこの世界を“夢と想像力”でいっぱいにすることです。オリジナル商品はすべて自社で企画開発し、日本の町工場の協力を得ながら、できるだけ環境に配慮した素材で製造しています。スガイワールドの想像力豊かな商品は今では、日本全国をはじめ、アメリカ、イギリス、フランス、香港、シンガポールなどのセレクトショップなどでも扱われており、世界中から注目されています。

Q.2 How did it start the SUGAI WORLD, Inc.?
When our founder, Yu SUGAI, was working for an another company, he started writing down his ideas about things that can change the life more comfortable and happier. (There are more than 20 idea-notebooks now.)That was a way to reduce his stress in a packed train of everyday.
At first, He was just enjoying sharing his ideas with his friends. But someday, one of them said to him, “Your ideas are so fun! Why don’t you make them?” , and he said “Why not !? Let’s do that!! “.
In 2011, he made the first product “Mustache-it”, a mustache shaped sticky note.
For the first 2 years, he was selling only the one. “Mustache-it” became a quite big hit riding the mustache-boom which came in those days. (That was a beginner’s luck!)
Then he made second product and third. In 2013, He made his first devut at Tokyo Gift Show.
Q.2 スガイワールドは、どのようにはじまったのか

Q.3 What is the purpose of the SUGAI WORLD products?
People in japan works very hard in a small space. So we want to make them to be able to work happier with our products. And also, we hope the same thing about people all of the world. Our mission is “give imagination and dream to the world ”.
Q.3 スガイワールド商品の目的は

Q.4 What is the dream of the SUGAI WORLD?
To communicate with people all over the world through our products. And we believe that will be a part of the world peace.
Q.4 スガイワールドの夢は